I've always liked time travel stories. Unfortunately, there are very few good ones that have been successfully made into movies. And it's been a while since we've had a good time travel movie in theatres, so I am very happy to say that Looper works.
It's not a perfect film. There's an unnecessary subplot about a small percentage of the future population with telekinesis abilities. And even though I appreciated the effort of the director and makeup artists, I didn't need to see Joesph Gordon-Levitt's face manipulated to look more believable as a younger Bruce Willis. The result is that Gordon-Levitt kind of looks like himself, and kind of doesn't. It is distracting. There's not a whole lot there to beef up the story, beyond cookie-cutter bad guys and the obligatory love interest (I love Emily Blunt but her role/storyline wasn't necessary).
What makes this film worth watching is the heart of the story, which focuses on a man who must fight with a version of himself from another time, and that was fascinating enough. It's not necessary to see this one in the theatre, which is fine because at this point you'd probably need a time machine to find it still playing anywhere...
Looper (2012)